ETHICAL HACKING Ethical hacking is the way to find out the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system or computer network. It is a way to describe the procedure of hacking in an ethical way for any network. The ethical hacker...Read More
Java Java is one of the most popular Programming language that is available in the IT market for More than 30 years and now. There are many open sourced products, projects that run on JAVA technology. Since it is platform independent, It is always a popular choice for developers. Some of the advantages of Java...Read More
Python Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant white space. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales,In 2018, Van Rossum stepped down as the...Read More
PHOTOSHOP : Photoshop boasts many impressive and exciting features, and in recent years they have introduced some amazing new features, like vector layers, Content Aware Patch/Move tool, Adaptive Wide Angle filter, Crop tool, and so much more. Adobe has not tried to replace Illustrator, but if you need creative, simple shapes for use in design...Read More
NETWORKING Computer networking is the practice of interfacing two or more computing devices with each other for the purpose of sharing data. Computer networks are built with a combination of hardware and software. Note: This page focuses on wireless networking and computer networks, which is related, but quite different, from social networking. Computer Network Classification and Area Networks Computer networks can be...Read More
Hardware: The term “Hardware” refers to the physical elements of a computer; the machinery or the electronics in a computer. A basic computer consists of 4 components: Input device (or input unit) CPU (Central Processing Unit) Memory (or Memory unit) Output device (Output unit) Input unit and Output unit: Input unit sends (data) to the...Read More
Networking : Networking is the sharing of information and services computer network provides the communication tools to allow computer to share informations and abilities Computer network components include the major parts that are needed to install a network both at the office and home level. Before delving into the installation process, you should be familiar with each...Read More
Python Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales,In 2018, Van Rossum stepped down as the leader in the language community after 30 years. Python features...Read More
HTML Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, it forms a triad of technologies for the World Wide Web. Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the...Read More